Displaying: 313 - 336 of 489 Items in Genre
Magnum Force
by Phillip Crowe
1996 Golf Miniatures
by Larry Dyke
Teatime on Newbury Street
by G. Harvey
Lee & Longstreet
by G. Harvey
Shallow Crossing
by Martin Grelle
A Good Crossing
by Martin Grelle
America's Memories
by G. Harvey
Stoney Creek Mill
by Larry Dyke
A Camp Along the River
by Martin Grelle
Across Quiet Waters
by G. Harvey
Brush Country Cowboys
by Martin Grelle
Morning Market
by G. Harvey
The Expert
by Martin Grelle
The 16th at Barton Creek
by Larry Dyke
When Times Were Gentle
by G. Harvey
Memories of Home
by G. Harvey
Early Snow
by Larry Dyke
Exhibition Day - Chicago
by G. Harvey
Majestic Visions I & II
by Larry Dyke
An American Homecoming
by G. Harvey
Biscuits for Breakfast
by G. Harvey
Avenue of the Americas
by G. Harvey
Flowers for a Lady
by G. Harvey
Newbury Street - Boston
by G. Harvey

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